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Get the Details

Hopefully, these detailed guidelines will help answer some of your questions as to how the program works.  Once you initiate the process, we will be in touch to customize the correspondence to your needs.  You will be asked to sign and return the guidelines before starting the program.

Sponsor Responsibilities

  • All participants under the age of 18 must have an adult sponsor who will supervise and help facilitate all communications.

  • The sponsor will be responsible for previewing each letter for appropriate content and sending and receiving the correspondence.  This assures a safe environment for all parties to promote fun and learning.


  • All correspondence will be sent directly between Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals and the sponsor, only.  There will be no direct contact with anyone under the age of 18.

  • All communications will be sent via “official” emails only (ie: school, work, or business) , using 1 or 2 designated sponsors.  Please, no personal email addresses, or exchange of personal information should be used as part of the program.

  • Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals correspondence will be sent via email attachment as a document that can be printed and presented as a letter.  Returning correspondence can be as an email, or similar attachment.

  • Occasionally, Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals may send photos, “playing cards,” etc. to a physical address, such as school or office, only after agreed upon in advance with the sponsor.

  • Participants may correspond as a group exercise to compose one letter, or rotate which participant will respond to each letter.


  • In order to create the excitement and anticipation of waiting for a letter, participants may expect correspondence from Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals either once or twice per month, as agreed upon with the sponsor.

  • This can be adjusted as needed during the program.

Scope and Participation

  • The scope of the program will be decided upon between Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals and the sponsor prior to commencing correspondence with participants.

  • Changes may be made during the program with agreement between both parties.

  • Participation is free, completely voluntary, and subject to availability.

  • Participation in the program will start on an agreed upon date, once the Agreement and Photo Release forms have been received by Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals.


  • Any photos shared through official communications will automatically be considered as acceptable to share publicly in their original form, unless otherwise stated.  The sponsor will sign a photo release form on behalf of the participants and be responsible for assuring that any photo sent to Pawsitively Golden Pen Pals is acceptable. 
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