My Story
My name is Hero, but sometimes my Special Humans call me Big Hoss, or Bull in a China Shop, whatever that means. I think they picked my real name, Hero, though because they knew I would always want to watch out for my pack. My pack includes my Special Humans, my other dog family that lives in my house, and all the new humans and friends I meet whenever I go out to stores or parks and stuff. So, basically everyone is my pack. I like to check up on my pack by using my nose. My nose tells me everything I need to know, so I put my nose in lots of places! With my nose, I can smell if my friends are happy or sick or scared or if they have treats in their pockets. Then, whatever they need, I’m ready!
My very favorite thing is my pack, but after that, my next favorite thing is running! I could run all day. I love running! When I get outside, sometimes I just run in big circles. I like to go as fast as I can, and my ears stick straight out behind me, and I make my own wind! Every now and then, I stop and get a drink of water. When the weather gets yucky, I don’t get to run outside, so I just do it in the house. Those are the times when my Special Humans call me Bull in a China Shop, but I think they’re a little crazy. I’m a dog, not a bull, and they already put away all the breakable things after the first time.
I can’t wait to go to school and learn all the cool stuff Scout has learned and get even more names. Lots of humans have had some kind of sickness, and many places around us are closed, so we stay home and learn things right now. Learning is the best! I can do all the usual things like “sit”, and “down.” I know the words and the hand signals! I also like going through tunnels and times when I get to jump or catch treats in my mouth. One thing I’m really good at is “wait.” My humans can tell me to “wait,” and I’ll do it for a long time. I make my eyes big so they know I’m concentrating, and I don’t move until they tell me “okay.” It makes them happy, and that makes me happy.